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Some More FAQs
Is email more effective than social media?

It depends on your audience, the kind of content you give them, and the platform they prefer. Email isn't always better for engagement than social media, but I think it's smart to build an email list no matter how good you are at social media. Email is a good way to keep in touch with your audience even if they stop using a social platform or the algorithm changes or you lose your account (it happens).

How do I get people to sign up?

With a freebie/lead magnet/opt-in form. You can also add a content upgrade to your blog posts. There are numerous different options you could investigate but ideally, you want to offer subscribers something valuable in return for their email address (which is valuable too). Personally my goal is to transition as many social followers as possible to my email list, so I often place a call to action to subscribe to my weekly newsletter within my bios.

What if I have nothing to offer?

Start simple. “Subscribe to my new posts.” You don't necessarily have to write an ebook or offer some freebie checklist just because you see other people doing it. If you've got none of that right now, just start small and ask people to subscribe to receive an email when you publish new articles. The idea is just to get started instead of delaying it until you have something to offer. Rather create and offer something of value that is truly aligned with your audience than just making any kind of freebie simply because you think you have to.