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Why You Need an Email List
Even though email marketing might seem like a relic of the past, the Direct Marketing Association says that for many businesses in the US, it still gives the best return on investment (ROI).

On average, you can expect to get back $42 for every $1 you spend on email marketing.
No matter how big or small your business is, having prospects on an email list is important for marketing campaigns to work.

With the right email marketing software, you can get useful information like email open rate, click-through rate, and conversion rate to help you figure out what works best for your blog/business and audience based on real, data-driven insights.

Even though a good return on investment (ROI) is reason enough for me to tell you to use email marketing, there are a few other reasons why building an email list is important:

Email is direct marketing

With an email, you go straight to the inboxes of your audience members. There is no ranking system or secret code that limits how far you can go.
Email marketing is a direct and personal way to talk to your blog readers, current customers, and people who might become customers.

Email connects you to your readers

People sign up for your email list because they want to hear straight from you.
To avoid building a spam list, you can even have them double opt-in to join. People who go to that much trouble to join are definitely among the most interested in getting as much value as possible from you.

Email allows you to create targeted content

Email marketing gives you a clear idea of what different parts of your audience like based on what free downloads they've grabbed, what pages they've come from, what products they've bought, etc. This is especially true if you use sophisticated tagging and segmenting into different lists and groups.
This means you can send them offers that are very relevant to their needs and get better results if you take the time to think about and meet those needs.

You own your email list

Super important!
You own the contact information in your email list, which is not the case with Facebook page likes, Twitter engagement, or Instagram followers.
Sometimes past social media growth campaigns and SEO efforts can go from very successful to completely shut down overnight when those platforms change their policies.
With a list of emails, you're in charge and your business won't be affected by changes in the Terms of Service of third parties.

Most people have email

There are a lot of shocking statistics about the number of monthly active users and total levels of engagement on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, etc.
It's not easy to find statistics on how many people use email every day, but we know from living in the modern world that almost everyone on the internet has an email address because you need one to create an account and log in to most websites.
A recent study by Radicati found that there are about 3.8 billion email accounts that are still being used.
That's about half of the people on Earth, and most smart bloggers (business owners) know to have an email list - so they can talk to half the world!